Monday, August 9, 2010

The Greatest!

H. Hart, described as a historian, mathematician and astronomer has written
this novel book. He has searched history, seeking for men who had the
greatest influence on mankind. In this book he gives us The hundred most
influential men, including Asoka, Aristotle, Buddha, Confucius, Hitler, Plato,
and Zoroaster. He does not give us a mere chart of the topmost "one
hundred" from the point of view of their influence on people, but he
evaluates the degree of their influence and rates them in order of their
excellence from No. 1, through to No. 100. He gives us his reasons for the
placing of his candidates. We are not asked to agree with him, but we cannot
help admire the man's research and honesty.

The most amazing thing about his selection is that he has put our Nabee-e-
Kareem, the Holy Prophet Muhummed (pbuh) as No. 1, the first of his
"100!" Thus confirming, unknowingly, God's Own testimony in His Final
Revelation to the World:

Muhammad Pbuh the Greatest